Where we'll put all the day-to-day items formerly going in to original Nov 2011 site.
Hi, it's Oct 03, 2019.
1. Suspicious events began again, week of Oct 12th. See ' Suspicious ' below, part 1-6.
Condos at 3000 Farnam : http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com is where you go !
3000 Farnam Condominiums : http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com once again.
Kind of premature to be tossing around the new names, guys ?
Probably should wait until the Master Deed is properly amended by the 2/3 majority voting .
For Shame ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Oh, great. This crap below :
False Information learned Oct 31st ! Only 34.62% of all homeowners cast ' yes ' ballots. Other distorted info distributed by the board. Yet they are saying the amendments passed, which requires yes ballots from 66 2/3 % of all homeowners' combined share of total regime ownership.
65.38% voted no . Go figure
They are going to file false documents in Register of Deeds office ! The Deeds Office normally doesn't verify if filed information is true, but procedure is to notify other State and County officials about false filings.
Please see Mr. J. Mark Dunbar's website for the scoop. Again, the direct URL is http://midtowntower.jimdo.com/newsletter .
Mr. Dunbar is seldom in the mood for shenanigans such as cited above. Same for some other homeowners.
Nov 07: Mr. Dunbar can be assured the homeowners want to receive the huge amount of fliers and/or mail that have been arriving.
With the horrible behavior of some Board members, his activity { and other persons' } is utmost useful
We also think at least one non-Bd Member is in on the panic. If that person loses the Twin Towers account, their business teeters on failing. Should have thought about that years ago. That person may want to keep in mind their account can be nixed at any time, with 30 days notice?
Why would the Board want to pull another sneaky act back in August, as outlined in Mr. Dunbar's latest update ?
As some of you strange-acting persons continue stumbling along, learn to accept and obey the item in next paragraph:
Null and Void: Any future attempted actions taken by way of alleged revised Master Deed provisions will be invalid.
{ Update 9-20-2015: Condos at 3000 Farnam will be it next month. First, in a d.b.a. format, unless/until the Master Deed is updated by 66 2/3% of -all- homeowners in a month or two.
d.b.a. ? Doing Business As .
Banks even accomodate d.b.a. situations, with example shown below when writing in payee's part:
Stumbling Along Condominium Association
d.b.a. Condos at 31004 West Dodge Road
The 2-lines format is allowed if second line is indented a bit.
Grant homeowners at least 21 calendar days advance notice before new name may be required on cheque payments for monthly assessments. Stop the nonsense of notifying on, say, Nov 27th ! Such rudeness simply needs to end. 'Tis very unprofessional.
News: We keep forgetting to mention Our Relative used to make payment by ACH, until his bank shut off Twin Towers in 2008. Virgene, former clerk, double-debited his account two different times.
He was highly amused, as we are, that his bank rep shut off the ACH arrangement during the phone conversation. When D. got around to requesting that said ACH be cancelled, the rep explained he was viewing both infractions, and had already completed the termination. Bank policy for sloppy bookkeeping.
Other homeowners and former employees admonished D. for even letting Twin Towers have access to any of his bank accounts ! It's the ONLY ACH arrangement to ever cause him hassels. Others have been going fine since year 1979.
That incident was one of many signs of Phase I decline, beginning in March 2004. The far, far worse Phase II decline began Feb 2010. ;;;;;;; and we still see a perfect example being the major security violation that has existed for more than 6 weeks now. }
Guys, the continued discussions about Jan 2015 ballot counting, and related, should stop. It makes readers of the May newsletter wonder if you're about to try some kind of stunt w/Master Deed amendment voting.
You could have done all the Jan ballot recounting/related during the annual homeowners meeting, instead of waiting 'til that one guy challenged things later on.
D. doesn't plan to return any ballots, and that means the same as a ' no ' vote each time.
Later time, on May 31st: On Friday, that teeny-font sheet of paper was seen on the glass sign board.
A magnifying glass may not be strong enough. Most telescopes invert the image { upside down, and backwards ! } .
The general opinion is that said posting stunt was probably something a very unhappy person would do.
Was it the minutes hiding from the latest meeting ? Was there a homeowners' meeting ? Is this some kind of secrecy stunt ? Was that about 3 typed pages shrunk to only one page?
Do any of you actually see any good coming from that cited procedure?
DAVID DAVIS : Blackthorne Company in Omaha NE -
What the hell do you think you're pulling off with the Dec/Jan balloting stuff ??????
The 2J Attorney guy's really getting the bad word out on you and some of the others.
You alleged to be registered with the Secretary of State in Lincoln, regarding the balloting. As if that will build confidence in suspicious homeowners !
The escapade with the manager of Mutual's West Penthouse is pushing the envelope.
You are - not - a happy person . Nothing more need to be said.
Here are the 2 pertinent letters, image version:
Further Info on One or more being told how to vote |
Page 2 of his reply. .. Employee at M. of Omaha. .. Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha, also to be known as Condos at 3000 Farnam . .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com -- http://condost3000farnam.blogspot.com is a curiosity to us . |
Being Told How to Vote ! .. What's with David Davis - Blackthorne Co. Omaha NE ? .. Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
We love it: Yet another 2-page letter under all homeowners' doors last week, from a new group named ' Concerned Homeowners ' .
More justified harping about the pitiful stunt some of you tried with the ballots last winter.
Here, enjoy these images. All 6 pages.
Just warming up on Page 1 of 6. .. Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
The vise is starting to tighten here on P. 2 ! .. Twin Towers Condos Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
Duh, wake up, people ! .. Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
Kinda reminds persons of self-incrimination ?? .. Twin Towers Condos Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
Ahh, yes, the thankless joys of being on the Board at TTCA ! Thankless, because some of the board members have always, intentionally, offended the other homeowners ! .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
We appreciate this former Bd Member's efforts. Fewer dedicated persons around these days. .. Oh. This stuff also reminds us of repulsive, corrupt Lincoln, Nebraska ! Yech ! .. Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha .. http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com |
Can you please enable transition from old to new mailboxes as painless as possible?
D. finds those new boxes to be quite an improvement. Thoughtfully designed.
It was not fair to employed homeowners to give only Friday evening notice for next-day Saturday key pick up, since some had other plans already set in concrete.
This caused some to not receive mail for several weeks, until they could somehow dash in during short hours Tue. - Thur. !
However, this last-minute notice was great for the retired gang. They were able to drop by during weekday hours, when things were much less hectic.
Washer/Dryer protests: Ya all succeeded in ticking off another long-term homeowner family. The no-coins policy was the last straw.
They liked adding a few minutes to drying time 25 cents at a time.
They are now also keeping eyes out for a decent house.*
Who is taking several different sizes of HVAC air filters to their condo? That word means 3 or more. Couple means 2.
David Davis, owner Blackthorne Co. in Omaha: Where's the list for air filter sizes ?
Nov 07: D. learned awhile back that the washers and dryers were completely Off-Line for a day in October - - - just as we warned: No coin option when electronic version fails.
Way to go. Which board members are in on all the misconduct?
* - Those persons have a house now.
Image time .
Nov 16th: Regarding original letter David Davis - Owner of Blackthorne Company in Omaha.
The caption just updated with additional info, and readers were directed to this page.
D. will leave a { polite } note with the on-site Property Manager, explaining the same info we mentioned in caption.
{ Done 11-18-2014 }
Why would someone suddenly show up with a wrong-size HVAC filter, when staff knows he replaces 'em himself ? With ones of correct 12 x 24 size. Not the 12 x 22 new one he retained as a spare, after pointing out the door sign which may need to be updated a bit. { Had old info from Eugene C. May 2011 era, about persons are not allowed to walk on hall and condo ceilings to access the HVAC unit }
Indeed, he learned many years ago to inspect new items closely, including being correct size.
In the HVAC industry, there is very little room for error. A filter 2 inches shorter can collapse from having 1 of 4 sides unsupported.
Air will get around it, putting unwanted dust in to coil and the ACing drain pipe.
Filter will usually rattle and keep sliding around.
Since person at his door is unknown, would this be an innocent error? Or was said person instructed to try getting that wrong filter installed ?
There isn't any way to pull off such a stunt, guys. D. inspects the old filter upon removal, and has several other methods in place to detect unauthorized or sneaky access to HVAC parts.
Will the staff now have to inspect the filters in other nine condos with same filter size ? No? Why not ?
A nation that slides downhill from #1 as recently as 1980, to #16 today, is going to have a lot of citizens who are now very cautious and thorough.
As one vendor told D. a few years ago: Your building needs a full-time, in-house maintenance engineer, due to large size and poor condition of infrastructure !
That'll do it for now. Observant homeowners, realtors, and others will keep tabs on situations.
As usual :
Isn't that quite the stupid letter David Davis - Omaha NE, Owner - Blackthorne Co. wrote to D. in May 2011 ? He sure based it upon very flimsy reasoning.
D. likes to point out Davis is a 1980s business person, when that sector started to get shabby. Then the years 2000+ showed up, and now it's seemingly beyond salvation.
# #
6. Critical Security Issues Aug 16, 2015:
a. For the last several weeks, there has been an issue about security we cannot give details herein, due to criminals being able to see it.
Update to ' a. ' above: Still dragging on. Just pitiful.
Another update on this security item: Colder weather has caused the risk to become hit 'or miss !
And a notice just posted, warning residents about bums loitering, drinking, sleeping, et al . If that's going on now, the security issue needs to be identified by staff, and corrected pronto .
Oct 11th: Same cooler weather this weekend did not help alleviate the security issue, as it did last weekend.
A plain ole door counter set to start counting at numeral 03789 { out of 99,999 possible numerals } is a fine way to keep tabs on anyone entering w/o advanced notice.
D. has to post the U.S. Attorney's Office main Omaha phone number in at least one obvious place in his condo, at all times. Whenever he leaves to even just dump trash, full lock-up of desk and other items has to be done.
# # #
Nov 16, 2014 :
FOR SALE : D.'s condo at firm price of $36,000, as is. Wait, there's more.
You would also have to locate a nice house to D.'s liking, and any costs above $36,000 would be paid by those wanting him out !
That means a $150,000 house { plus all fees and taxes } still only costs $36,000 for him.
Once he takes ownership, then he pays the usual monthly bills like any other house owner.
The sooner some of you pool your shared funds, and locate a nice house, the sooner you might see moving out action on even New Year's Day !
# #
Update Dec 27th: SALE PENDING. This is a private sale activity.
Two gentlemen, each at age late-20s, drew straws to be the one signing preliminary documents. Final procedures are scheduled for April - Nov 2015, and may drag out in to 2016. Both parties flexible, and in agreement that D. wants to wait for the best situation/house.
Both persons are very qualified to perform updating and repairs. Younger persons with D.'s similar talents, but with youth and lack of heart disorder in their favor.
They are very good at dealing with various individuals.
Like many others who left Twin Towers, D. is very much looking forward to doing the same, after owning there for 20 years.
Jan 04, 2015 :
Hack attempt: We closed the two Wordpress accounts months ago. Recently, some wise guy tried to reset password to one of 'em, so we just reactivated both accounts and put some usual items in to same.
Duh: The reset request goes to one of our better, secured email accounts. Wake up.
March 8th:
Moved here from Main Pages - - - -
B. One whopper of a 6-page single-spaced letter was placed under all homeowners' doors weekend of Feb 22nd. It was written by a sensible former Board Member serving in 2014. { 3-08-2015 }
He let the cat out of the bag on so many topics that I had one heck of a time deciding which section was the most amusing. I finally settled on that guy in Texas, who seemingly hopes many presume he's still living in his T.T. condo.
If a letter like that was placed under my house door, informing us our neighborhood had become as crappy as Twin Towers 2014-2015, I'd be very unhappy.
We're not letting the lousy years 2010 - 2013 off, however. Don't kid yourselves.
Our groups are uploading back-up copies of the 6-pager, with page 6 being two versions: With, and with out, name and signature.
About 2 weeks later, the Board posted a 4-pager anemic response on main bulletin board, which was too much to read standing. Just have to scan-read those, if copies aren't placed under each homeowner's doors.
Then a great 3-pager follow-up reply by ex-Board Member, who knew it best to place copies under all doors ! ! The Board would be wise to not try any further responses. Lost cause. Ex-Member won.
May 10th: Another topic moved from our main page - - - -
C. Laundry Room Daze Phase II, in 2015: Next Wednesday, a disruptive new payment system will be installed on the washers and dryers.
Use your credit or debit card, and no furthers hassles with quarters. But how about hacking, and reader "skimmers" often installed at gas station pumps?
Unimaginable until being in Twin Towers: Will the coins option be done away with? Imagine the building-wide anger erupting each time that complex computer system crashes !
And only $1.50 charged to your debit card? Banks don't like such small transaction amounts.
Is this where some Board members, and David Davis - Owner of Blackthorne Company, enter in to the maze ?
We have a bad gut instinct feeling about this overall situation, but are hoping to be pleasantly surprised later this week.
Otherwise, once again we cannot emphasize sufficiently how important it is for persons who can move out ;;;;;; do it ! Enjoy the major benefits of house ownership, and put those pesky kinds behind you.
May 7th: No hope. The coin option was done away with. If the credit card reader system fails, you are out of luck !
It takes only 1% of the Federal workforce to make some real messes for the others.
The Omaha V.A. Medical Center has had a lot of bad-luck blows occurring lately. That PTSD veteran, who had his address street name changed to Coo-Coo Lane, is really getting out to the edge of the earth ; ; ; ; almost out there where Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha has resided for several years now !
Not until the Omaha World-Herald started pushing some buttons did any comments or action get taken { see OWH article 8-23-2015, and items via Google Search } . And Will Ackerman, Public Affairs Cover-Up Officer, refused to answer the W-Herald's key question: ' Was any action being taken before we arrived on the scene ? ' .
This is the same medical center who thinks their building is in worse repair than Twin Towers Condos. Not even close, guys. Actually, you'll do just fine taking the V.A. Pittsburgh route, and it's the only realistic one in the end.
There are some employees at Omaha V.A. whining : " Give us a new building or else " . You'll be lucky to keep the existing complex, when veteran patient population begins to decline in a few years.
All of the recent V.A. messes, local and national, will simply cause newer issues to drag on, and on, and on, and . . . . . .
{ Oct 31st: We're keeping this item posted, to remind many others about unproductive adult misconduct causing huge damage to our nation. Bit by bit since 1973, things are going kaput in the U.S. }
Sidebar: Back in May, D. was asked, again, by some Federal employees if any person or place was a threat to his health, safety, and general well-being. He finally gave in, and replied that his condo building definitely fits that category, so it's on record now.
Sure didn't take long for follow-up activity to begin !
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Suspicious: Oct 16th. This week, a blizzard of items under homeowners' doors, because of questionable procedures being tried for updating the Master Deed. You can be certain the homeowners appreciate the many updates lately.
Even ones like D., who is moving to a house.
We strongly advise more owners to sell their condos and buy houses to live normal lives in.
The recurring tactics of some present Board members cause some decent owners to write further questions about soundness of the Association.
We wonder if several of the Board members are simply trying to limp a very weak operation along, until they become old enough for nursing homes or , um, Further Along.
For now, details about the messy Master Deed updating farce can be learned at Mr. J. Mark Dunbar's website. Owns 2J.
Oct 25th: It seems the Board needs a few more days to count the ballots, which is a task easily done in about 1 hour.
One of our characters asked if those plain ballots can be Adobe
Photo-Shopped ! Almost amusing, until contemplating the seriousness of such an offense.
D. was very pleased to find yet even more goodies under his door, and a great letter in the mail. The latter to all homeowners, from the woman who was pushed off the Board early this year.
She explained how the Board quickly disbanded the Master Deed Committee, after she brought up some concerns about how things were going in a questionable direction.
On a list of concerned homeowners calling for a ' No ' vote, there were 4 names of persons who were on said committee. They certainly learned that they were ' used ' , and then thrown away.
Many other names on that list are quite interesting.
Has anyone verified if David Davis is actually registered with the Secretary of State in Lincoln ?
Jan 17th: The amazing court action on Jan 12th seems to be a see-saw between Dunbar, owner of new unapproved commercial space, and the Board.
We were somewhat surprised the 4-month delay in annual meeting wasn't because of the obvious, continuing violation of ballot rules.
D. was the one who suggested voting by proxy, during 1996-era, but abstained from voting on that approved Deed amendment. He didn't want to jinx it, nor toss his legal signature around the Deeds Office.
Now this questionable Board thinks the amendment can be ignored in any way they please.
Anyone asking us what should be done about that crappy Board is simply educated that a physician should decide.
An Army Ranger-Retired should know better than to get involved with Deed violations at a crappy little place such as T.T.C.A. !
@ @
Nov 28th: The Board caved in last Monday, posting these items on interior side of office door ! Enjoy.
. .
About Wednesday, a strange newsletter from the Board showed up under everyones' doors.
It continues on 'n on that the Master Deed amendment attempt will be continued, w/o any admission to breaking State Law or violating clearly written provisions in existing Deed.
They simply said there was a failure to adequately communicate to the homeowners.
So now they plan to continue trying to brainwash and/or sucker some more homeowners. They do not get the word ' No ' at all. Quite shameless ?
Don't fall for their nonsense on relentless attempts to ram through Deed amendments, which simply reduce homeowner services much more ! A general shaft job .
Nina Martin wrote that questionable newsletter, and a propaganda meeting was scheduled for Jan 3rd.
Please keep in mind: News topics cannot be updated right away. Sometimes, if the updates are very late, then the existing data serves as a history of events occurring.
Nina Martin finds it hurtful what most homeowners think or say about this entire mess ? Get real. You're not fooling anyone.
12-20-2015: The trend is awful, that of so many management kinds of persons in the U.S. They just don't think same make mistakes. Or, how dare anyone question their actions. Or, perhaps asking some of them to start acting like adults instead of arrogant, spoiled kids.
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Here'a a fantastic recent finding on Google Search, about a tenant shafted by Blackthorne Co. at another building in Omaha ! 12-05-2015
This image is much clearer when image is clicked on.
We certainly wouldn't want that review done on a business we would be operating.
How could anyone at Twin Towers now feel comfortable giving a deposit cheque to Blackthorne Company ??? We absolutely don't recommend it anymore.
That David Davis sure didn't learn anything between Nov 2011 and March 2013. Hey, the Internet is here to stay. Watch what you do with your daily business activities.
It's unfortunate the tenant didn't know about Better Business Bureau assistance.
1 - 7
Various Repair requests being made via public scrutiny, rather than wasting time with written ones which are frequently ignored by, likely, the David Davis $$$-worshiper :
b. Here we go with 3rd floor laundry room lights again ! The new fixtures require a different size lamp, and none are in stock down in the basement.
One of 4 fixtures has been out since last Spring.
Best way to improve compliance is for David Davis chasing down all these needed parts, or he gets his account canceled with 30 days notice.
Jan 17th: Bulbs finally replaced middle of last week.
c. The underground garage needs heavy duty corrective repairs, and it appears the Board may be considering a lawsuit on the contractor.
If so, good luck. Contractor is owned by the previous N. Tower owner, who lived in Des Moines.
A certain wealthy company paying all homeowners 70-cents on the dollar still looks like best solution, in the long run. Then everyone can bolt and run, putting TTCA in to history !
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Pages 280-281 of the Master Deed :
How do we know a commercial space can be sub-divided, when the original developer bolt and ran in 1986 ? That may be the basis of Dunbar's lawsuit section on same.
Once Cutler cut all ties with the South Tower, that provision may longer be valid.
To successfully update the Master Deed, 100% of the lies, distortions, b.s., and attempted further reduction of homeowner services will need to permanently cease. Got it ?
Otherwise, the Bd Prez will possibly come back with another allegation that homeowners are being ' hurtful ' . Nope, they're just making it clear the lies need to end.
If the Prez can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen !
Related Item Before Annual Meeting: Anyone who thinks Vince is sincere about getting the Master Deed amended so homeowners can buy plumbing parts at bulk rates is: ......... terribly naive !
If they could somehow sucker the now-suspicious homeowners, Vince and others would surely then abandon the mass-repairs of plumbing ailments. Homeowners shafted once again !
As in any condo association, anything outside of the condo walls/ceiling/floors is responsibility of the Association.
These cheapskates are just stalling on the many, expensive, and overdue plumbing repairs they are supposed to do.
Equally dreadful would be David Davis and his silly Blackthorne Co. trying to coordinate a mass plumbing repair project. Unbearable chaos !
.. .
Here, we are posting the 3 pages about attorney J. Mark Dunbar's discovery from last August. Is it a fraudulent action?
That's why it's now part of the court case.
Posted on backside of water cooler D. saw in the Air Force during year 1971:
We are the unaware
Led by the unqualified
Forced by the unconcerned
To do the unnecessary
For the ungrateful
Obviously not a product of the change-year 1973, but still a reflection of how some were tired of the Vietnam War era, et al .
Our Picasa image collection, even if 95% link-required now, is still worth your time to view { ? } :
https://picasaweb.google.com/113977561776573745773 .
Blackthorne Company resigned from TTCA Jan 31, 2018 ! We have yet to learn the reasons why.
8 long years and finally it's over !
9-20-2018 : A huge, huge number of condos being sold this calendar year. We're aware of the 2 main reasons.
Appears the numerous, extremely rude, and terribly annoying main water shut-offs that have been rising a lot since 2010 are now catching up with managerial persons ! 2 damaging HVAC A/Cing water supply pipes broke in last two weeks. What a mess.
D.'s doctors are getting very angry about the water shut-offs cancelling his appointments, and want him to move in to his house. Until, they are about ready to send officials to the Federal Building and get the nonsense under control.
His Federal doctors consider the building quite undesirable.
In the John K. era, he did not allow whole-building water shuts offs except for unusual situations. He knew how disruptive that was to homeowners........., but also knew the risk of cited water line breaks. (John retired in 2008)
The freight elevator is probably from 1920, and appears beyond repair. Now there's a dumpster outdoors, and each floor's trash chute doors have been locked.
Is the city refusing a permit for a replacement sidewalk elevator? Notice none are seen anywhere downtown anymore.
It's not known if the freight elevator is actually broken, or if some persons just wanted out of dealing with the indoor trash service.
Hey, residents. Don't leave thrift store junk in the laundry rooms. That was banned years ago.
The replacement management company doesn't haul junk out of those rooms.
April 29, 2019: D. now has to have a sign on his door banning everyone in the U.S.A. from approaching the door without prior arrangements, except for Postal mail carrier and U.P.S.
Persons over age 65 with serious physical illnesses, and his falling-on-the-ice severe injuries,
just cannot be interrupted in this 21st Century stressful era. Order is from Medical Staff, and includes severe penalties for violation.
There are persons in W. Omaha houses who have those signs on their front storm door, in small font. Is a nationwide trend now. Our extended family generally would like this to be a new Federal law nationwide.
I certainly do not like ADT home alarm sales persons (etc.) coming to the house door without knowing ahead of time. It can scare the heck out of you. Think of farmers and ranchers who fear strangers showing up on their properties.
It's not 1946 anymore. We do need a strict Federal law now.
Remember that persons entering house yards are trespassing !
D. fell on the ice in his father's/brother's backyard 4 a.m. Jan 2016. He refused medical care for awhile, and just tuft it out. A CAT scan in Summer 2018 revealed serious damage to many body organs above the waist, etc.
The backyard was junky and had a lot of frozen tire tracks, which caused that fall.
{ He also refuses 99% of care for melanoma skin cancer. }
Worst of all -was- his initial total fear of the outdoors since the fall. He soon quickly fell in love with total staying indoors, and growls fiercely on grocery store and medical appointment treks. Fears all modes of transportation, and becomes dizzy just going to get mail in the lobby, since the fear pertains to anything outside of his condo door. Once back inside his condo, dizzy spell ends !
Now he knows first hand what the W.W. II, Vietnam, and Gulf War PTSD/Panic Attack Disorder veterans endure every day. The fear will likely be permanent. He likes going outdoors in a house's yard, but that's the limit.
If he lived in a house, he would be in much better shape.
We could go on 'n on about this huge disaster, but readers get the picture already.
One more whopper topic. D. is also banned from 99.99% of other persons' homes in the U.S., due to recurring injuries, illnesses, food poisoning, hepatitis in 25% of persons' finished laundry, and other tiresome consequences.
He doesn't miss any of it.
25% of clothes dryers in houses have hepatitis in them. Persons should use chlorine bleach in their washing machine water.
Yes, we know some persons don't like our news, but do you like everything seen in the daily newspaper? Of course not. Get over it.
We're not happy with a lot of Microsoft's and Google's "take it or leave it" attitudes. One of many reasons D. has never owner a computer or had ISP service in his home.
Google made a shambles of the Picasa image service. We'll just move on to other things.
Well, go growl, and have a nice day if you can.
Secrecy still exists at Twin Towers Condos. We'll just say the new management's name is Claussen Company, in N. Sioux City SD. You'll find their web page via Google Search.
Less than 40% of annual ballots, and/or Master Deed amendment ballots, were returned, even with paid-postage envelopes ! Quiet mutiny ???
-190613- Bye for now ! Too many news items to cover right now .
It takes only 1% of the Federal workforce to make some real messes for the others.
The Omaha V.A. Medical Center has had a lot of bad-luck blows occurring lately. That PTSD veteran, who had his address street name changed to Coo-Coo Lane, is really getting out to the edge of the earth ; ; ; ; almost out there where Twin Towers Condominiums Omaha has resided for several years now !
Not until the Omaha World-Herald started pushing some buttons did any comments or action get taken { see OWH article 8-23-2015, and items via Google Search } . And Will Ackerman, Public Affairs Cover-Up Officer, refused to answer the W-Herald's key question: ' Was any action being taken before we arrived on the scene ? ' .
This is the same medical center who thinks their building is in worse repair than Twin Towers Condos. Not even close, guys. Actually, you'll do just fine taking the V.A. Pittsburgh route, and it's the only realistic one in the end.
There are some employees at Omaha V.A. whining : " Give us a new building or else " . You'll be lucky to keep the existing complex, when veteran patient population begins to decline in a few years.
All of the recent V.A. messes, local and national, will simply cause newer issues to drag on, and on, and on, and . . . . . .
{ Oct 31st: We're keeping this item posted, to remind many others about unproductive adult misconduct causing huge damage to our nation. Bit by bit since 1973, things are going kaput in the U.S. }
Sidebar: Back in May, D. was asked, again, by some Federal employees if any person or place was a threat to his health, safety, and general well-being. He finally gave in, and replied that his condo building definitely fits that category, so it's on record now.
Sure didn't take long for follow-up activity to begin !
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Suspicious: Oct 16th. This week, a blizzard of items under homeowners' doors, because of questionable procedures being tried for updating the Master Deed. You can be certain the homeowners appreciate the many updates lately.
Even ones like D., who is moving to a house.
We strongly advise more owners to sell their condos and buy houses to live normal lives in.
The recurring tactics of some present Board members cause some decent owners to write further questions about soundness of the Association.
We wonder if several of the Board members are simply trying to limp a very weak operation along, until they become old enough for nursing homes or , um, Further Along.
For now, details about the messy Master Deed updating farce can be learned at Mr. J. Mark Dunbar's website. Owns 2J.
Oct 25th: It seems the Board needs a few more days to count the ballots, which is a task easily done in about 1 hour.
One of our characters asked if those plain ballots can be Adobe
Photo-Shopped ! Almost amusing, until contemplating the seriousness of such an offense.
D. was very pleased to find yet even more goodies under his door, and a great letter in the mail. The latter to all homeowners, from the woman who was pushed off the Board early this year.
She explained how the Board quickly disbanded the Master Deed Committee, after she brought up some concerns about how things were going in a questionable direction.
On a list of concerned homeowners calling for a ' No ' vote, there were 4 names of persons who were on said committee. They certainly learned that they were ' used ' , and then thrown away.
Many other names on that list are quite interesting.
Has anyone verified if David Davis is actually registered with the Secretary of State in Lincoln ?
Jan 17th: The amazing court action on Jan 12th seems to be a see-saw between Dunbar, owner of new unapproved commercial space, and the Board.
We were somewhat surprised the 4-month delay in annual meeting wasn't because of the obvious, continuing violation of ballot rules.
D. was the one who suggested voting by proxy, during 1996-era, but abstained from voting on that approved Deed amendment. He didn't want to jinx it, nor toss his legal signature around the Deeds Office.
Now this questionable Board thinks the amendment can be ignored in any way they please.
Anyone asking us what should be done about that crappy Board is simply educated that a physician should decide.
An Army Ranger-Retired should know better than to get involved with Deed violations at a crappy little place such as T.T.C.A. !
@ @
Nov 28th: The Board caved in last Monday, posting these items on interior side of office door ! Enjoy.
Page 1 of 3 goodies |
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" We sure didn't want to write and post this item on office door " |
Page 3 of the goodies |
About Wednesday, a strange newsletter from the Board showed up under everyones' doors.
It continues on 'n on that the Master Deed amendment attempt will be continued, w/o any admission to breaking State Law or violating clearly written provisions in existing Deed.
They simply said there was a failure to adequately communicate to the homeowners.
So now they plan to continue trying to brainwash and/or sucker some more homeowners. They do not get the word ' No ' at all. Quite shameless ?
Don't fall for their nonsense on relentless attempts to ram through Deed amendments, which simply reduce homeowner services much more ! A general shaft job .
Nina Martin wrote that questionable newsletter, and a propaganda meeting was scheduled for Jan 3rd.
Please keep in mind: News topics cannot be updated right away. Sometimes, if the updates are very late, then the existing data serves as a history of events occurring.
Nina Martin finds it hurtful what most homeowners think or say about this entire mess ? Get real. You're not fooling anyone.
12-20-2015: The trend is awful, that of so many management kinds of persons in the U.S. They just don't think same make mistakes. Or, how dare anyone question their actions. Or, perhaps asking some of them to start acting like adults instead of arrogant, spoiled kids.
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Here'a a fantastic recent finding on Google Search, about a tenant shafted by Blackthorne Co. at another building in Omaha ! 12-05-2015
This image is much clearer when image is clicked on.
From Yelp.com Tenant goes by name TC in Yelp review. Direct URL proof is at: http://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=tXU2T7uXCOGmugK09wQAfg . This situation reminds us of a stereotyped Mafia racket proceeding in New York City ! Would summarizing it as an example of stealing from an individual be exaggerating ? You decide. Does the sun rise in the east every day ? David Davis should be ashamed of himself. He knows an itemized letter has to be mailed out, if a deposit is not refunded. |
We certainly wouldn't want that review done on a business we would be operating.
How could anyone at Twin Towers now feel comfortable giving a deposit cheque to Blackthorne Company ??? We absolutely don't recommend it anymore.
That David Davis sure didn't learn anything between Nov 2011 and March 2013. Hey, the Internet is here to stay. Watch what you do with your daily business activities.
It's unfortunate the tenant didn't know about Better Business Bureau assistance.
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Various Repair requests being made via public scrutiny, rather than wasting time with written ones which are frequently ignored by, likely, the David Davis $$$-worshiper :
b. Here we go with 3rd floor laundry room lights again ! The new fixtures require a different size lamp, and none are in stock down in the basement.
One of 4 fixtures has been out since last Spring.
Best way to improve compliance is for David Davis chasing down all these needed parts, or he gets his account canceled with 30 days notice.
Jan 17th: Bulbs finally replaced middle of last week.
c. The underground garage needs heavy duty corrective repairs, and it appears the Board may be considering a lawsuit on the contractor.
If so, good luck. Contractor is owned by the previous N. Tower owner, who lived in Des Moines.
A certain wealthy company paying all homeowners 70-cents on the dollar still looks like best solution, in the long run. Then everyone can bolt and run, putting TTCA in to history !
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Pages 280-281 of the Master Deed :
How do we know a commercial space can be sub-divided, when the original developer bolt and ran in 1986 ? That may be the basis of Dunbar's lawsuit section on same.
Once Cutler cut all ties with the South Tower, that provision may longer be valid.
To successfully update the Master Deed, 100% of the lies, distortions, b.s., and attempted further reduction of homeowner services will need to permanently cease. Got it ?
Otherwise, the Bd Prez will possibly come back with another allegation that homeowners are being ' hurtful ' . Nope, they're just making it clear the lies need to end.
If the Prez can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen !
Related Item Before Annual Meeting: Anyone who thinks Vince is sincere about getting the Master Deed amended so homeowners can buy plumbing parts at bulk rates is: ......... terribly naive !
If they could somehow sucker the now-suspicious homeowners, Vince and others would surely then abandon the mass-repairs of plumbing ailments. Homeowners shafted once again !
As in any condo association, anything outside of the condo walls/ceiling/floors is responsibility of the Association.
These cheapskates are just stalling on the many, expensive, and overdue plumbing repairs they are supposed to do.
Equally dreadful would be David Davis and his silly Blackthorne Co. trying to coordinate a mass plumbing repair project. Unbearable chaos !
.. .
Here, we are posting the 3 pages about attorney J. Mark Dunbar's discovery from last August. Is it a fraudulent action?
That's why it's now part of the court case.
Page 1 of 3 Suspicious deed filing |
Page 2 of 3 |
Page 3 of 3 Suspicious deed being reviewed by court judge |
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An interesting part of Ohio D. saw from State #11, in September 1975. |
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The L.E.S. boiler image from last winter. If water goes out 160+ degrees, everything is fine. # # # LES Co. is now in Atlantic, Iowa. The original company goes by a new name similar to Aldrich. Their boilers can operate with 150 pounds water pressure, while LES ones are limited to 100 lbs. Replacements should obviously come from the firm selling 150-pound version. # http://wwwttco-yo.blogspot.com is where most of these images first resided . |
Posted on backside of water cooler D. saw in the Air Force during year 1971:
We are the unaware
Led by the unqualified
Forced by the unconcerned
To do the unnecessary
For the ungrateful
Obviously not a product of the change-year 1973, but still a reflection of how some were tired of the Vietnam War era, et al .
Our Picasa image collection, even if 95% link-required now, is still worth your time to view { ? } :
https://picasaweb.google.com/113977561776573745773 .
Blackthorne Company resigned from TTCA Jan 31, 2018 ! We have yet to learn the reasons why.
8 long years and finally it's over !
9-20-2018 : A huge, huge number of condos being sold this calendar year. We're aware of the 2 main reasons.
Appears the numerous, extremely rude, and terribly annoying main water shut-offs that have been rising a lot since 2010 are now catching up with managerial persons ! 2 damaging HVAC A/Cing water supply pipes broke in last two weeks. What a mess.
D.'s doctors are getting very angry about the water shut-offs cancelling his appointments, and want him to move in to his house. Until, they are about ready to send officials to the Federal Building and get the nonsense under control.
His Federal doctors consider the building quite undesirable.
In the John K. era, he did not allow whole-building water shuts offs except for unusual situations. He knew how disruptive that was to homeowners........., but also knew the risk of cited water line breaks. (John retired in 2008)
The freight elevator is probably from 1920, and appears beyond repair. Now there's a dumpster outdoors, and each floor's trash chute doors have been locked.
Is the city refusing a permit for a replacement sidewalk elevator? Notice none are seen anywhere downtown anymore.
It's not known if the freight elevator is actually broken, or if some persons just wanted out of dealing with the indoor trash service.
Hey, residents. Don't leave thrift store junk in the laundry rooms. That was banned years ago.
The replacement management company doesn't haul junk out of those rooms.
April 29, 2019: D. now has to have a sign on his door banning everyone in the U.S.A. from approaching the door without prior arrangements, except for Postal mail carrier and U.P.S.
Persons over age 65 with serious physical illnesses, and his falling-on-the-ice severe injuries,
just cannot be interrupted in this 21st Century stressful era. Order is from Medical Staff, and includes severe penalties for violation.
There are persons in W. Omaha houses who have those signs on their front storm door, in small font. Is a nationwide trend now. Our extended family generally would like this to be a new Federal law nationwide.
I certainly do not like ADT home alarm sales persons (etc.) coming to the house door without knowing ahead of time. It can scare the heck out of you. Think of farmers and ranchers who fear strangers showing up on their properties.
It's not 1946 anymore. We do need a strict Federal law now.
Remember that persons entering house yards are trespassing !
D. fell on the ice in his father's/brother's backyard 4 a.m. Jan 2016. He refused medical care for awhile, and just tuft it out. A CAT scan in Summer 2018 revealed serious damage to many body organs above the waist, etc.
The backyard was junky and had a lot of frozen tire tracks, which caused that fall.
{ He also refuses 99% of care for melanoma skin cancer. }
Worst of all -was- his initial total fear of the outdoors since the fall. He soon quickly fell in love with total staying indoors, and growls fiercely on grocery store and medical appointment treks. Fears all modes of transportation, and becomes dizzy just going to get mail in the lobby, since the fear pertains to anything outside of his condo door. Once back inside his condo, dizzy spell ends !
Now he knows first hand what the W.W. II, Vietnam, and Gulf War PTSD/Panic Attack Disorder veterans endure every day. The fear will likely be permanent. He likes going outdoors in a house's yard, but that's the limit.
If he lived in a house, he would be in much better shape.
We could go on 'n on about this huge disaster, but readers get the picture already.
One more whopper topic. D. is also banned from 99.99% of other persons' homes in the U.S., due to recurring injuries, illnesses, food poisoning, hepatitis in 25% of persons' finished laundry, and other tiresome consequences.
He doesn't miss any of it.
25% of clothes dryers in houses have hepatitis in them. Persons should use chlorine bleach in their washing machine water.
Yes, we know some persons don't like our news, but do you like everything seen in the daily newspaper? Of course not. Get over it.
We're not happy with a lot of Microsoft's and Google's "take it or leave it" attitudes. One of many reasons D. has never owner a computer or had ISP service in his home.
Google made a shambles of the Picasa image service. We'll just move on to other things.
Well, go growl, and have a nice day if you can.
Secrecy still exists at Twin Towers Condos. We'll just say the new management's name is Claussen Company, in N. Sioux City SD. You'll find their web page via Google Search.
Less than 40% of annual ballots, and/or Master Deed amendment ballots, were returned, even with paid-postage envelopes ! Quiet mutiny ???
-190613- Bye for now ! Too many news items to cover right now .